Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Last day of class

Becoming a teacher of science!

Becoming a teacher of science!!!

Throughout Science methods, I have learned a lot about myself and teaching science. At the beginning of the semester, I was nervous about all the work that was being given to us. I have learned a lot about science and how to be the best teacher of science. One important thing I learned was to make science engaging and the students should be their own teachers. I also learned how important reflections and feedback are. In many classes, you do not receive feedback from your peers so it was great to hear the positives and the needs to work on. Improvements can be made through reflections and can make me a better teacher. I also became a semi-professional with technology. I had to use many different websites and tools that I was not comfortable with at first, but they all showed me new and exciting resources that can be used in the future. I have made so many great friends in this class that will one day be amazing teachers! They have taught me a lot. This class was definitely a long journey but in the end, it was rewarding. I cannot believe how far I have come over this semester. I am always excited to start a new journey. In January I am on to my last methods course, WOOHOO!

Making Thinking Visible

Making Thinking Visible for students
Research article review 

                    The article, Making Thinking Visible presented a lot of great information about inquiry lessons and the ways to teach science. The article explains that as teachers we should be teaching science by creating hands-on activities for the students which would aid their learning process of science materials. The articles main focus is making writing visible. Using writing in science can show what students are thinking by writing it down. The article states that hands-on activities are great, but writing the students thinking down can achieve so much more. This was interesting to hear because I did not think about it in that way. You think about writing for other subjects but not for science. 

                    I made this selection because the article title sounded interesting, then when I read the article I found out so much more. According to Miller and Calfee (2004), "the CORE Model was originally developed as a representation of the manner in which reading and writing can be linked and reinforcing to each other; we saw possibilities to extend this model to experiential learning (such as science inquiry)". The article then explains what each phase consist of and what needs to be completed in that phase. This article can help with teaching science because it gives you steps on what to do to make thinking visible in the classroom. They give information on each topic and present pictures throughout the article for examples of what to do. It is helpful to have visuals when learning something new, especially with being a new teacher. All of the articles in the folder were truly helpful and very intriguing. They are resources that will be helpful as a teacher to have for the future. 

Last day of class

Becoming a teacher of science! Becoming a teacher of science!!! Throughout Science methods, I have learned a lot about myself and teaching...