Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Meet my scientist!!

Meet my scientist!

                   An opening day activity in my science methods class was to create what you think a scientist looks like. We were given plain paper and some colored pencils and had 10 minutes to draw. I created my scientist and named him Dr. Acardia. I was struggling to come up with a name and so got the idea from the water I was drinking. When I think of a scientist, I always think of a man, a lab coat, a room with beakers and chemicals and crazy hair. The next part of the activity was to walk around the room to view what other students have created. It was so interesting to see how so many people had similar interpretations and some were so different than the others.  Most people think of a scientist being a crazy-haired, lab coat wearing the man, with a doctorate or professor in front of their names, but this is not true! A scientist can be females and can work in places other than a laboratory with beakers. Everyone can be a scientist! This activity is great for the classroom. Your students are able to get creative and also view other classmates work and give comments on the picture. It is also important that after they complete the activity, that you talk about the stereotypes that people perceive about a scientist. You can show pictures of a scientist working in different environments. I would love to do this activity once I have my own classroom and they can be hung up around the room! This will also get them excited to learn!

Image result for scientist stereotypes

I found this picture very interesting! It is an infographic created showing some of the stereotypes that people believe about scientist! 

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