"Science seeks explanations to our everyday questions and offers us strategies for knowing what to do when we don't have an answer". Teaching science to students is a new and exciting topic. Students are leaving about things they did not know and come up with amazing questions. Elementary-aged students are so curious when it comes to science and want to explore. Scientific inquiry requires careful, active observations of details and connections in of systems and events we encounter. The student's brains are developing so much and so frequently. Science is a way of knowing and seeks explanations for the natural world. Science is a human activity and the students need to be moving around and becoming one with science. They will learn so much more when they are given a task to solve and can do what they want to do (to a certain extent). Students will be able to discover so much more.
Chapter 2: Constructing Knowledge and Discovering Meaning: How Children Learn Science
"Children Learn science by doing science". They also learn by reflecting on their actions when they do science. Students come to class with some prior knowledge about science. This prior knowledge can lead them to a path of misconception. Chapter 2 focuses a lot on constructivism. This is a theory about how children learn. As a teacher, you need to teach your students about the natural world or their conceptions about science and teach them an accurate and complete understanding. Differentiated instruction in something that needs to be present in every classroom. All students learn differently and you need to accommodate all students and their learning. UDL is an approach to teaching that facilitates differentiated instruction. UDL has three strategies: "multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement.
Chapter 3: Science Practices and Inquiry Process Skills
"Inquiry is the careful and systematic method of asking questions and seeking them". Students will be teaching themselves and when they notice they are teaching themselves, discovery occurs. Students will make discoveries on their own and it will deepen their understanding of science. Not every student you have will enjoy learning this way. If you start students young by constantly doing hands-on activities for science, they will begin to enjoy the process of learning science because they are the scientist. They are dsicoverying and finding. The students need to be taught how to do science and develop a set of skills.
Chapter 4: Planning and Managing
Unit and lesson planning are two different yet similar things. When you are planning a unit you are planning what the students need to know as a whole and can take long to complete. Lesson plans are single components of the unit plan. Unit plans are long-term and lesson plans are short-term. Teachers need to use state standards with each lesson and unit. Good lesson plans result in amazing learning experiences for your students. Lessons plans include both direct instruction and inquiry instruction. It is important to use outside resources when creating your lessons. You can get many good ideas from other people or online resources.