Monday, September 24, 2018

Meeting with the group

After fieldwork, we had regular class time. The rest of the class was very very very stressful. I met with my group, who is presenting on Monday. The two lessons we need to present our direct and inquiry. They need to incorporate certain items and each require different concepts. We asked many questions about what we need to add and some ideas. Meeting with the teacher was very helpful and were able to talk things through and get an opinion about our ideas. As a teacher, you want your lesson to not be boring for your students. We need to incorporate technology and get the students involved in their learning. Today, my group was trying to break down what each of us needs to complete by a certain day. It is so hard to do this when all of us have different schedules, school work on top of school work, full-time jobs and everything else life throws at you. We are all stressed about it and we all feel we hardly have enough time to complete this. 

The picture above is exactly how I feel about this week and the lessons. I know it will all be worth it in the end, but for now, this will be my face! I am going to learn so many new things to use in lessons and how to teach science. 

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