Monday, September 24, 2018

Getting to know the students

Today at Bishop Dunn, we met some of the students who will be in the after-school science program. We had a small turn out and students kept leaving right before we were about to start. We were left with two boys to complete our getting to know you activity. This activity had to incorporate what they enjoyed about science, what they wanted to know and some engaging activities. My group had the students write their names with markers. They had to use each letter of their name and write a single science word, science topics they were interested in or wanted to learn more about. They had to draw a picture using the letter that went with the word they chose. We would help the students out when they were stumped on words. This really got the students thinking. In the example below, the P= pluto (the student wrote it really small to show that Pluto is small), H= don't remember what he used, I= ice (ice cube), L= lights (shown with a lightbulb), I= gravity and P= prediction. The students enjoyed creating art with science. Also, do not know how to change the picture so you can view it normally... sorry! This can be used for any subject and also as the first day of school activity so you can know more about what your students enjoy, hobbies they may have any other interest. 

The other msmc students in my class came up with many great ideas and I want to use them all! I loved "what am I" which is like the game heads up. Classmates had to guess what science word was taped to your head. You had to ask questions to figure out what you were and the class answered with a yes or no to your questions. They also helped out with characteristics when I was struggling to guess what I was. There were also many other great activities! It is so cool to see what other classmates can come up with! Overall, it was a great first day of fieldwork! 

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