Learning the Unit Plan
In class, we learned about the two types of lessons each group will have to teach. These lessons are direct and inquiry-based. Direct instruction is the use of straightforward, explicit teaching techniques, usually to teach a specific skill to the students. It is a teacher-directed method and the teacher presents the information. An inquiry-based lesson incorporates the 5 E's of inquiry. The 5 E's are: engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate. Inquiry involves the process of learning. In this type of lesson, you want the students to take what they learned and solve a problem or make a solution to the issue. It requires the students to put everything together, ask questions and answer questions. I have never taught or created an inquiry-based lesson. This is a huge learning process since this is all new to me. This is going to take a lot of time to complete, but I know I will feel better about it in the end. We also need to record ourselves for the Edtpa, which will be a whole other blog. I will be excited once I get the two lessons over with and will be able to breathe again! I am glad I have two other classmates to work on this with. It is helpful to have them as reinforcement. I know we will all do well, but I am totally going to stress about it until Monday, October 1st at 6:00pm when it is over.
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