Monday, November 5, 2018

Group 4: Inquiry

Group 4: Results of Climate Change and Wild Weather: Inquiry Lesson

The teachers did a great job on their inquiry lesson. The students enjoyed the projects the teachers created. Below are my comments on the lesson and the different parts of the lesson.
Parts of the lesson
What did the teacher do?
How was the inquiry process facilitated?
My comments
Did teacher pre-assess content and inquiry skills?
How was the problem introduced?
Powtoon introducing the topic of the lesson
and what the student will need to create

-Was quickly explained to the students,
maybe could have slowed it down
How were the directions to solving
the problem introduced?
Did the teacher model the inquiry process?
Were the guiding materials provided
to support students’ staying on task?
-Climate change and wild weather research sheet,
creating an article with pictures,
information, and a fun fact
-I did not like when one of the teachers said:
“If they come out good enough, ill send them over”
-More positive words for the students, not everyone is an
artist or the best writer and should encourage everyone
-No use of the scientific method
How students were encouraged to explain
their educational guesses? Was a template provided?
-Explained to the students what was required from them
and went over the rubrics and the grading system
-Did this part it a little too quick but I do understand
that you wanted to get to the
point of the lesson and allow enough time for everything
Did the teacher encourage students:
1. To present the results of their investigation
2. To share Metacognitive reflections
(students explain how they came to
the conclusions providing evidence to their statements).
-Students had to create an article
cover and have information
on it about the topic
-Was able to see the students articles and
they presented their information to the class
-A rubric was given for the expectations to receive
the highest grades.
-Websites were given to the students to research and find
-Each teacher circled around the room and met with students
-I felt the research process for the students was slightly rushed

Elaborate/ Independent practice
(Another challenge to work on!
encouraging students to further learning of the topic)
-Create a tweet to promote their article
-It was a fun way to present information

-Created a twitter page prior and the
students presented their tweet on that

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