Learning the Unit Plan
In class, we were given our topic for our unit plan. My groups topic is Heat and Temperature and the Causes (Combustion) - + What can we do --- electric cars, renewable energy, no mow lawns and landscapes, no fires). We were assigned this topic because it was the only topic left, so that made me nervous. After learning a little more about the topic, it seems to be interesting. The thing that makes me even more nervous is having to be the first group to present our lesson and what our unit will be. THIS IS STRESSING ME OUT!!!! I have created lesson plans before, but I have never done a lesson/unit plan to this extent.

In class, we learned about the two types of lessons each group will have to teach. These lessons are direct and inquiry-based. Direct instruction is the use of straightforward, explicit teaching techniques, usually to teach a specific skill to the students. It is a teacher-directed method and the teacher presents the information. An inquiry-based lesson incorporates the 5 E's of inquiry. The 5 E's are: engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate. Inquiry involves the process of learning. In this type of lesson, you want the students to take what they learned and solve a problem or make a solution to the issue. It requires the students to put everything together, ask questions and answer questions. I have never taught or created an inquiry-based lesson. This is a huge learning process since this is all new to me. This is going to take a lot of time to complete, but I know I will feel better about it in the end. We also need to record ourselves for the Edtpa, which will be a whole other blog. I will be excited once I get the two lessons over with and will be able to breathe again! I am glad I have two other classmates to work on this with. It is helpful to have them as reinforcement. I know we will all do well, but I am totally going to stress about it until Monday, October 1st at 6:00pm when it is over.